House Drama Competition 2024

House Drama Competition 2024

House Drama Competition 2024

'Best Play' and 'Overall Winner' went to Montefiore House with 'Rage to Riches'.

This term's House Drama Competition was a storming success across the Houses. The Sixth Form teams skilfully led their casts and crew, culminating in a showcase of superb character acting and production creativity.

Adjudicator, Mr James Wheildon, who has worked with young actors for the last 20 years and is an experienced Community Theatre Director, commented: 'There was not a single weak performance. I laughed throughout.'

The results were as follows:
First: Montefiore with 'Rage to Riches'
Second: Brearley with 'The Family Dinner'
Third: Findlay with 'Kneaded Hearts'
Fourth: Paget with 'A Cinderella Story: Rise of the Godmothers' 

Well done to everyone involved for making it such an entertaining and enjoyable competition!

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